Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Preparation for Dissertation...

Reflective Writing

From watching 8 individual interviews from 8 different tutors/lecturers around the country these are notes I have made that I feel will help me with reflective writing for my dissertation.

Taking notes after each day of work experience shows more honest reflections.

Less descriptive - more ideas and thoughts presented.

Reorganise learning I have recieved, what i have learnt from everything I have done, analyse evaluate and synthesise - problem solve

Collect things and then interact with them to create innovative outcomes.

Learn what i need to improve upone, and celebrate acheivments, do not leave dissertation to last minute.

Reflection can help to capture snippets of experience, look back and find patterns and strategies - what, why, when, how, who. where - symbols.

Talking about work but in a written form, doesn't necessarily have to have a beggining a middle and an end, more subjective, be able to articulate to others, this is important for personal development, I need to formalise my thought process. Me on Paper!

Ask myself what I have learnt form each project, personal developement, exploratory examination, sense making, individual personal journeys, what changes have these things made to me.

An example of the free-est possible way of writing could be a double entry journal, put item in, and then on second half of page reflect upon it - what it felt like and making sense of it.

Note mistakes and be critical - acknowledge things didnt go to plan - make strategies and plans. Don't be afraid to write feelings.

Keep note of what goes right and what goes wrong, improvements that need to be made at first does not seem useful, but it is a release, getting it on to paper, there is a pressure of getting things right, sometimes get down all your thoughts first. Notemaking.

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