Two days ago I visited The Affordable Vintage Fashion Fair, and it most certainly didn't dissapoint. With absolute BARGAINS, a whole range of vintage stalls, and as well as clothes there were some other really interesting items for sale, I would definately recommend a visit to it next time round!
Old photographs, hotel keys, boxes of watches and gold chains, clip-on ear-rings, fur coats, and dresses from all eras were just a few picks from the vast selection there was to offer.

My shop concept for Part 2 will include a vintage section, therefore I feel that this fair was worth a visit, I now have a deeper knowledge on my target market, and as my shop will be based on these parts of London, with a sort of roughness about it that you would get at a fair or market, I feel the Affordable Vintage Fashion Fare also gave me some furthur ideas according to the layout of my shop.

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